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Serge Demeyer / Publication (Details)

Last updated on Thursday, November 16, 2023

  author =        {Diana Leyva Pernia and Serge Demeyer and
                   Olivier Schalm and Willemnien Anaf},
  booktitle =     {Proceedings {HERI-TECH 2018} (IOP Conference Series:
                   Materials Science and Engineering)},
  pages =         {012045},
  title =         {A data mining approach for indoor air assessment, an
                   alternative tool for cultural heritage conservation},
  volume =        {364 -- 1},
  year =          {2018},
  abstract =      {The exposure of cultural heritage to the environment
                   has a significant impact on its degradation process
                   and degradation rate. Consequently, managing the
                   indoor air quality is vital to minimize further
                   damage to historical artefacts and works of art.
                   Despite its potential impact, the traditional
                   assessment of the indoor air quality still represents
                   a challenge for most collection guardians. This
                   approach typically relays on the comparison of
                   measured environmental parameters and corresponding
                   acceptable values. However, determining the
                   acceptable values and relative importance of the
                   different environmental parameters turns out to be
                   quite complex since it depends on the material types
                   present in the collection and their preservation
                   state. Furthermore, the significant amount of data
                   generated during the measurements hampers the
                   application of traditional methods of analysis.
                   Considering all these, we propose the use of data
                   mining as an alternative method for the indoor air
                   quality assessment in cultural heritage studies. Data
                   mining can provide knowledge from vast volumes of
                   heterogeneous data, through high-speed processing,
                   detection, and analysis. Here we present its
                   application to identify dynamics and patterns
                   affecting the indoor air quality in a realistic case.
                   Using data from a measuring campaign held at a late
                   Gothic church in Belgium, we show that inappropriate
                   periods can be identified without using standards. In
                   addition, different types of periods can be
                   identified by studying the relation between multiple
                   parameters. For that we use the k-means clustering
                   method, interpreting the results with both visual and
                   statistical tools.},
  annote =        {internationalconference},
  doi =           {10.1088/1757-899X/364/1/012045},

Serge Demeyer | Publications | E-mail Feedback